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Maximising your superannuation savings.

Although it may not seem like it yet, your savings in the superannuation environment are likely to be your biggest asset (aside from the family home) as you near retirement.

Yet many people overlook the importance of superannuation and the role it plays in setting you up for a comfortable retirement in the years ahead. Although you generally can’t access your superannuation savings until you reach what’s called your ‘preservation age,’ it’s still your money so it’s important to make sure it’s working hard for you.

The Federal Government also provides a range of incentives to encourage Australians to save more using the superannuation environment which could mean you pay less tax and have more retirement savings when you retire.

At SODA WEALTH, we understand the complexities of the superannuation environment and can help structure a superannuation strategy that’s right for you.

To find out more about our approach to superannuation, please contact us.

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